Longtail boats on the beach at Railay. On the way from Krabi to Koh Lanta

When is the Best Time to Visit Krabi?

Krabi is home to some spectacular scenery and some of the best beaches in Thailand and most beautiful islands in the world. With such a wealth of natural and cultural riches, there is no doubt that you should visit Krabi. The only question is when is the best time to visit Krabi?

There are two main factors to consider when choosing when to go to Krabi. 

  1. The weather. 
  2. How busy it is. 

The weather is probably the biggest factor to consider as this can have a big impact on what you can do when you visit Krabi.

How busy it is in Krabi is also important. Peak season means that prices are higher and the best accommodation is booked out.  It will be busy in all the main hot spots so if you like a bit of seclusion on your holiday it might be best to avoid the busiest time of year.

When is the best time to visit Krabi?

December to March is generally considered the best time to go to Krabi. At this time you are very likely to enjoy dry, sunny weather and good temperatures. If you can visit in late January to March you will be able to enjoy the best weather conditions but without the crowds of late December and early January.

Krabi has a tropical climate and you will never be too cold here – the average daytime temperature doesn’t drop below 27 degrees. The November to March period has the most pleasant temperatures avoiding the hottest and most humid times of year (it gets progressively hotter each month), as well as the rainy season.

If you want to avoid the crowds then April or November could be a good time to visit Krabi. Things are much quieter and you can get some great deals on accommodation. April will be really hot whilst November could still be wet so you need to balance that against the cost-saving and having the place (almost) to yourself.

Planning a trip to Thailand?

We have some posts that can help!

Check out our Thailand Itinerary, Bangkok Itinerary, and guides to the beautiful islands of Koh Lanta, Koh Lipe and Koh Libong, Koh Mook

and The One Island that you Must Not Miss

If you are travelling with young kids we have written about our experiences of travelling in Thailand with a baby and toddler

When is Rainy Season in Krabi?

The rainy season in Krabi is from May to October.

May is the start of the rainy season in Krabi, but the monsoon really picks up in June when strong winds and rough seas can make visiting the islands difficult.

July and August can settle down a bit and become clearer before the second onset of monsoon in September and into October which is generally the wettest month of the year. 

If you are planning a visit to Krabi in the offseason, June and July are likely to be your best options, you might only have some short, sharp showers each day. But, it is also possible that there will be continuous rain over several weeks and flooding could be an issue. 

When is the Peak Season?

The period from December to March is the most popular time to visit Krabi. But, the absolute peak season is around Christmas and New Year. If you plan to visit over the festive period you must be sure to book accommodation well in advance and be prepared for high prices and peak season supplements on room charges. 

Chinese new year also sees an influx of visitors so book your hotel in advance if you have somewhere that you definitely want to stay, but you will be able to find somewhere last minute.

When are the Best Festivals in Krabi?

There are a few festivals in Krabi that are worth a visit. None of them are absolute must-see events so I wouldn’t say that you need to build your trip around them when deciding on the best time to go to Krabi. 

Laanta-Lanta Festival in Koh Lanta (March) is an opportunity to celebrate the culture of the island with authentic food and traditional entertainment at the centre of this festival. 

There is a main stage where you can enjoy performances of Rong-Ngen, the traditional music and dance of the ancient Sea Gypsies, as well as acts by groups from all over Thailand. A second beachside stage is a relaxed place to enjoy contemporary jazz and reggae performances.

Songkran is the lunar New Year on the Thai calendar (April 13th to 15th) and is celebrated all over the country and throughout Krabi province. The highlight for most visitors is the chance to participate in a mass water fight where you wash away the bad luck form the year before.

Andaman Sea Festival (16-18 November, Krabi Town) marks the start of the tourist season in Krabi,  and you can enjoy parades, musical performances, kayak and boat races, and open-air markets with locally-produced goods. 

Going to Krabi?

Check out our guide of where to stay in Krabi and our Krabi Itinerary

and these guides that will help your travel go smoothly

Getting from Phuket to Krabi, (need a hotel in Phuket?)

Travel to Ao Nang from Krabi Airport

Travel to Railay Beach from Krabi Airport

Should I visit Krabi in the Off-Season?

There are many benefits to visiting Krabi in the off-season. Prices are significantly lower and you can stay in some fantastic accommodation for a very reasonable price. You also won’t have to share the experience with many other people. 

There are some downsides too though. The seas can be rough in the summer months which can make getting around by boat far more challenging. There are fewer ferries and speedboats in operation and some routes shut down altogether. The same is true of some resorts who close down during the rainy season. 

The choppy seas mean that visibility is reduced for activities like snorkelling and diving so that even if you get a good say the waters won’t be as clear as they are in the peak months. 

If you can stand the heat, April is a good choice as it should still be largely dry. Otherwise July and August can be a nice break between the rains, and ties in nicely with school holidays in Europe and North America. I first visited the area in July and it was fine with just a bit of rain here and there.

I think that the biggest downside to travelling in the off-season is that the weather is far less predictable. You could get some lovely sunny days with just a bit of rain or you could have a complete washout for a few weeks. If you are on a long trip it might be worth the risk, but if you are planning your only 2 week holiday of the year you might find it too much of a gamble.  

Final Thoughts on the Best Time to go to Krabi

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about when to go to Krabi.

Overall, for the best weather and not too many people, we think that late January to March is the best time to visit Krabi. 

If you are planning a trip to Krabi, don’t miss Railay Beach, and please check out our guide to where to stay in Krabi and our Krabi Itinerary for some ideas on how to spend your time in the area. 

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